Hot Lunch Ordering

As we are well underway for a very exciting year at school, it is time to get the Hot Lunch Program up and running. We will be doing online ordering for all orders to ensure accuracy with the orders and to make the process as easy for everyone as possible.

Here’s how to get started...

  1. Go to

  2. Click on Register

  3. Complete the rest of the registration form. (Including your email address will ensure you receive reminder emails about hot lunch order deadlines, and your child’s hot lunch order for the upcoming week)

  4. Click the Register Now button at the bottom

  5. Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends Castle Park

  6. Elementary Once your child(ren) are registered, click on Orders

  7. Proceed to order a hot lunch for your child(ren)


We only accept hot lunch order payments through using ( as our credit card processing system. No cheque or cash payments will be accepted at any time.

The hot lunch online order system requires a small amount of setup time at the beginning as you must register each child you have attending our school prior to ordering hot lunch. Once the initial setup process is complete, your hot lunch orders for the remainder of the year should be quick and simple.

We run our Program by Terms- September to December Term 1, January to Mark Term 2, and April to June Term 3. All Hot Lunches will close for orders 1 week prior to each Hot lunch date. So please ensure your orders are in before the deadline to avoid disappointment. No late orders will be considered. And any unpaid orders will be deleted.

Bambora does charge a $0.25 or 2.7% charge on each transaction so place your orders and process your payment transaction once to help avoid paying this fee multiple times. If your child is sick or away on a Hot Lunch day it is your responsibility to put a note in your absence report whether you want the meal donated to another child or if you will be picking it up from the office. If you do not do this it will not be communicated to our volunteers.


Castle Park Elementary Address